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Together, we are the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)

As parents and guardians of students enrolled at PS/IS 187, you are automatically a member of the Parent Teacher Organization, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization


We strive to promote an effective learning environment for students
and to provide an opportunity for parents to participate in school and educational decision-making. Our goal is to support an interactive relationship between parents, school administration, and teachers. 

What we do  Que hacemos

Our PTO - a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization - brings together parents, teachers, and staff to strengthen parental engagement at the school and build a thriving learning and social environment for all PS/IS187 students.

Together, we advocate for adequate funding from the DOE and NYS, organize community-building events, and initiate

fundraising campaigns to support various education and enrichment activities at the school (including funding for art and

music, field-trips, library books, and Professional Development for teachers/staff).

Esto es una muy buena noticia! Nuestro PTO es una organizacion sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) que reune a padres, docentes y personal escolar para reforzar el compromiso con la escuela y desarrollar un mejor ambiente social y academico con el fin de beneficiar a todos los estudiantes de PS/IS 187.

Desde el PTO, abogamos por financiamiento adecuado por parte del DOE y NYS, organizamos eventos para fortalecer nuestra comunidad e iniciamos campañas de recaudación de fondos para apoyar actividades educativas y de enriquecimiento en la escuela (fondos para clases de arte y musica, viajes de estudios, libros para la biblioteca y desarrollo profesional para docentes y personal).


We encourage all parents and guardians of  students attending PS/IS187 to join the PTO community and help make the school year as fulfilling for the kids as possible. There are many ways to get involved. To get started, we recommend you:

Sign up for the
PTO e-Newsletter
Attend Monthly
PTO Meetings
Check out the
"Get Involved" Page
Genral Meeting Dates

© 2022 PS/IS187 PTO

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