by Steven Evangelista, PTO Co-Communications Secretary
This year has been my first time serving on a PTO executive board and I hope it isn't my last. It's been an amazing experience!
At the same time, I hope multiple candidates throw their hat in the ring and make me sweat and earn my place at the table because I know that our PTO, and our school community, would be stronger for it.
Why has it been so rewarding to serve on the PTO board? Let me count the ways.
Meet and collaborate with interesting people. I didn't know anyone on the board prior to running but I now have a number of fellow parents to turn to for advice or just to connect. It's a great group of parents.
Help improve the school community. This really could be the #1 reason (but I want to emphasize that it's the people that make the community). We plan events, communicate with school leadership, and bring in needed resources.
Stay involved with my child's education. Oh, sure, I still check homework, help out with projects and ask questions, but seeing what goes on behind the scenes gives a different perspective and helpful information to support my girls' learning.
I'm learning too. The PTO Board is a little like the Avengers - everyone brings something different, and together we are a mighty force. I've learned a lot this year, in just about every domain of our collaboration.
And that's just the PTO experience. Having served on a School Leadership Team (SLT) when they were new to the city and I was a teacher in District 6, I know what an important role SLT members have working with Principal Emel and other administrators. Prioritizing the direction of our school pogram, examining the budget, and fostering community - all of these are part of the work of the SLT.
Nominations are closing this week at our monthtly PTO meeting. Will you be the next parent or guardian to lead us, help solve problems, help spread the word or coordinate the incredible talents of our community? I hope so!
Nominate here by Wednesday, May 24, or join us at the PTO meeting at 7 pm on May 25 to nominate yourself or someone else!