The Nominating Committee of the PS-IS 187 Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), are pleased to announce the election of PTO Executive Board Officers on Thursday, June 2nd at 7:00pm, via Zoom. At that time, we will be electing parents to serve on the Executive Board of the PTO for a term of one year.
Executive Board positions are as follows: President, Vice-President Intermediate School, Vice-President Elementary School, Recording Secretary, Communications Secretary and Treasurer.
At that same meeting, and following the PTO executive board election, there will be a second virtual election, in which three parents will be selected to serve on the School Leadership Team (SLT). The term of the SLT position is two years.
Eligibility: You must be a parent of a child who is currently attending PS/IS 187 to run for election or to vote. Parents, guardians, persons in parental relation who have children in PS/IS 187 are eligible to serve as an officer of the PTO or a member of the SLT, unless the parent is employed in PS/IS 187.
If you are interested in running for a position on the PTO Executive Board or the SLT you can access the nomination form in two ways:
1. Complete the Candidate Nomination Form that will backpacked home the week of May 1st and return it to the Main Office by 2 PM on Wednesday, May 25, 2022.
2. Complete the electronic nomination form by 5pm on Wednesday, May 25th. To request access the electronic nomination form please email: psis187@gmail.com. Only current 187 parents or guardians will be given access to the nomination form.
Nominations will also be taken from the floor at the PTO meeting on Thursday, May 26, 2022 and there will be a Meet the Candidates Forum at the PTO meeting. All nominees are encouraged to attend this meeting and make a brief presentation.
What is the PTO Executive Board? The PTO EB works in partnership with school administrators, teachers and community members to ensure quality educational and cultural activities for the student body. Your participation will ensure that the parent voice is represented in important decisions that influence school events and the purchase of materials that enhance the academic curriculum of our school. Participation on the PTO Executive Board requires time, dedication and creativity. It is essential that we elect a diverse group of parents that reflect our school community. We need your support and new ideas!
What is SLT? SLT is composed of parents, teachers, administrators, and others who are responsible for setting the educational direction of a school. The SLT has two main tasks: the development of a Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP) and the development of a school-based budget. All New York City public schools are required to have a leadership team that involves an equal number of parents and school staff. By getting involved in a leadership team, you can help our school meet this mandate. Your participation will also ensure that the parent voice is represented in important decisions that will impact teaching and learning in our school. Participation on a school leadership team requires time, dedication and creativity. While compensating team members adequately for their contributions is not possible, the efforts of team members are recognized with a nominal reimbursement for some of the expenses such as child care and travel that are incurred as a result of participating in team activities.
Even if you cannot join the PTO Executive Board or SLT, it is important that you attend the virtual elections on Thursday, June 2nd. Every parent will have one vote.
Thank you,
The 2022 Nominating Committee